Say it when you Feel it

I was getting ready to head home after a little shopping excursion (ok, maybe it was medium-sized) and a salt craving called to me into the McDonald’s I was walking by. Did you read my post about the health food kick? It’s just that, a “kick” and sometimes a little jab of fast food needs to get included in the mix to shake things up.  So anyway, this is not about the french fries I ordered (although they were super tasty and totally hit the spot). It’s a simple story about connecting…and pushing past the fear to make it happen.

So I’m waiting for my order this familiar looking guy is standing next to me and my first thought is “ask if he is the person you’re thinking of” and before that idea was even complete, this loud inner voice jumped in and said, “Forget about it” – no Goodfellas accent or anything, just very matter of fact. So I paused and hesitated and the moment passed. Luckily my fries were a fresh batch so I had time to linger and that was just long enough to reassess the situation.

I shook off the previous inner dialogue and followed my gut.  With a new confidence, I looked at him and said “Are you that fabulous singer?” He looked at me, paused, made a slight gesture with his hands as if to say “no” and then my mind starting running again!  “Oh, this is sooo not him.  How embarrassing.  This guy is probably like you’re mistaking me for a singer?!?”  As the run-on thought continued, I was thankfully interrupted with him responding “Well, I’m the singer” with a coy smile.  Humble pie!  Yippee, this is the guy – so sincere and fully present with me. Of course, I repeated the praise that he is fabulous and we proceeded to have a chat about his upcoming gigs and shared this  moment – all because I got over myself and my ego (the often annoying inner voice thing).


For local Bostonians, he most notably plays in various T stations, predominantly on the Orange Line at Downtown Crossing and that’s where he was headed tonight.  Grabbing his cup o’ joe he was headed back to play a late set with some pals.  With a strong voice and can easily transition between classic rock and smooth blues, he is often accompanied  by a female vocalist who has a gorgeous voice and their duos are super solid.  Before heading out, he handed me his card.  The band is called Steppers Heaven and you can check out their Facebook page. If you’re local, just take a ride on the T and check them out live.  Their energy is so magnetic in person and the audio files don’t do them justice.

So as he left, he said “thank you, miss” and suddenly I felt a wee bit old.  I also felt like those precious moments waiting in McDonald’s were a little better off because I took a risk to share and say something, so say it when you feel it!

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.  – Anais Nin

~ Health, Happiness and Prosperity ~

1 thought on “Say it when you Feel it”

  1. I love this quote! It makes so much sense to me and this story is a perfect example. Thank you and Namaste!

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