Waking Up

the rediscovery

Inspired Action

We all get caught up ruminating about the past and fretting about the future.  Remembering who we are – extraordinary light beings – offers a little grace as we journey through the lessons on earth with our human experience.   

As Eckhart Tolle elegantly stated, “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.  Make the Now the primary focus of your life.”

We are all just walking each other home… the offerings of meditation, yoga and sound immersion are the ways I am inspired to share our experience together as we continue to wake up and elevate the awareness of the conscious collective.

Rediscover the light within you – the foundation of reconnecting your mind, body and spirit with stillness and source. 

Movement, mantra, chanting – connection to divine yourself ans the collective consciousness

Relax into the vibration – transport yourself to another realm through the natural energy of sound waves